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Reordering Project

For several years now we’ve realised that the inside of our church is rather cluttered and inadequate.  Lots of people have told us that our kitchen is too small and in the wrong place, that our access ramps are difficult to use and there is not enough storage.  We’ve also become aware that a lot of floor space at the front of the church is only used for a few hours on a Sunday morning.  In conjunction with our architects and in consultation with the congregation, we have therefore come up with a plan to put these issues right and reorder the interior of St Christopher’s.  You can see some of the ides for this reordering in these drawings here (kindly supplied by Isaac Slater).





 Currently we are about half way to raising the total sum   required but we’d be delighted if you wanted to share the   journey with us and make a donation towards this work.  You can use the details on the Giving page here on the website and mark the gift 'Reordering'.  Thank You!

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